Our energy audits save you time and money by making sure that your equipment continues to operate at peak efficiency.
Pattons performs expert commercial energy audits and compressed air audits designed to identify, address and resolve issues like leaks and air loss that can:
- Contribute to wasteful energy loss
- Reduce the energy efficiency of your equipment
- Increase wear and tear on your machines
- Add costs to your bottom line
Our expert energy audit reports include:
- Recommendations on short, medium and long-term measures for energy conservation
- Financial estimates and analysis
- On-site measurements and tests
- Assistance with the implementation and monitoring of our energy-conservation recommendations
Compressed Air Leak Assessment
Our local service team has the tools, resources, and experience to proudly provide:
- An onsite visit with leak detection tools to identify problem areas
- A detailed report which pinpoints the leak locations
- A leak data report identifying energy reduction in dollars and impact on carbon footprint